+1 646 395 9696, +44 20 8133 5343, +49 69 347 99999, +91 84 4740 5000
Saving from life-danger or accident
(Yagya Code: VY001A)
Helps in survival in accident, severe attack of disease or in dangerous situations.
Prevention of dangers and death-attacks caused by thieves and criminals.
(Yagya Code: VY008A)
Prevention of dangers and death-attacks caused by thieves and criminals.
Prevention of danger, accidents
(Yagya Code: VY002A)
Helps preventing dangers of life or accidents.
Prevention of danger in disasterous situation or at disasterous place
(Yagya Code: VY006A)
Prevention of danger in rampage or at disasterous place.
Recovery from ife danger or danger of injury by enemy
(Yagya Code: VY011A)
Do this when the attack has already occurred.
Prevention or minimization of the chances of arrestation, imprisonment and dangers.
(Yagya Code: VY014A)
Helps you preventing arrest, imprisonment and dangers caused by the government agencies.
Recovery from un-timely death situation or Marakesh / Akaal Mrityu / Alpa-mrityu
(Yagya Code: VY003A)
Almost everyone has a supposing death-time apart from his definitive longavity.
Prevention of kidnapping and hijacking
(Yagya Code: VY010A)
Prefer High Capacity Yagya for full security of life and sooner solution.
Prevention of untimely or unnatural death, Akaalmrityu or Alpamrityu or in Marakesh Situations.
(Yagya Code: VY004A)
Same as Yagya VY003A but it is for prevention.
Pevention of life-danger or dangers by black-magic and ghosts.
(Yagya Code: VY016A)
Do this in case the problems are seen in the future or are just begun (not earlier than 2 weeks).
Prevention of life dangers and attacks by enemy
(Yagya Code: VY012A)
This Yagya makes your enemy weak to attack on you or due to any reasons he changes his mind to attack on you or het get ...
Recovery from dangers caused by animals, insects, snakes etc.
(Yagya Code: VY017A)
Life-recovery from dangers caused by animals and insects.
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